SEXy spirituality podcast
built on faith
interview about book
Sexy Spirituality is flipping our normal format in order to interview our own co-host Lezli Goodwin. Lezli has just released an expanded version of her 2017 eBook, and is more comprehensive than ever. Built on Faith: Transform Your Life with Affirmative Prayer is the how-to book on spiritual mind treatment that she wishes she'd had when she was learning affirmative prayer. Hear her thoughts on prayer, faith and writing her 14th book.

"This Posi Award nominated singer/songwriter has a beautiful voice, and along with fellow singer/songwriter Dawn Kerlin, has produced albums including this new one that we’re featuring today called “More Love.” A dynamic speaker, Lezli is engaging. She’s innovative, and has 15 years’ experience supporting spiritual and metaphysical growth with humor, poignancy and depth. She currently serves as Education Director at New Vision Center for Spiritual Living in Phoenix. She’s also a mom of five nearly grown and very noisy kids, she says, and she’s married to the love of her life, Bobby. Lezli has quite the reputation for the power of affirmative prayers, and loves to create and share them so much that this month she was inspired to launch this book. It’s fabulous, it’s comprehensive, and it’s called Built on Faith: Affirmative Prayers for a Transformed Life.…"

melinda allen
Empower music & Arts
Wonderland is an album chock full of musical reflections on personal growth—spiritual, mental, and emotional. It’s about finding freedom in learning to love the Self, focusing on the good, seeing possibility, moving through obstacles and out the other side. And yet the greatest “wonder” of “Wonderland” is that it is never preachy, pushy, or dogmatic, but always an easy ride--tasty, poetic, gentle, and wise. Lezli’s vocals are truly lovely. Smooth and soothing, they give the listener a laid-back reassurance that it’s all gonna be all right...“On Guard,” a love letter to the self acknowledging the ‘armor’ we accumulate in childhood and claiming the strength to finally surrender, was a standout for me, as was the haunting, “Good Night.” Orchestrated with acoustic strings (cello, violins, viola), it is a gentle tribute of loss and tender release of a loved one to “the other side.” Moving and beautiful.

Grateful heart
empower positive radio
Vernon howell
June 23, 1016
“When you listen to songs such as “Goodbye,” “Strong Girl,” or the title song “Wonderland” from Lezli Goodwin’s new album, your mind and heart are massaged as surely as your body is by yoga or a trip to a massage therapist. Her lyrics and confidant voice are an effective antidote to all the negativity that permeates our external world…reminding us that we can remain centered and calm in the eye of the storm that surrounds us. We can go within and, as a songstress, Lezli can help us get there, where we connect to the soothing reality of our spiritual selves. Lezli Goodwin has a message of love and peace; a message of living through even the painful times with hope and courage. And she provides us with a relaxing message that calms us and makes us stronger.”