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thoughts & notes

Letting Go
My life, though, was already quite full before I began this transformation. I had this plan (yeah, go ahead and laugh) that I would simply

Release and Spiritual Guidance
“Spirituality can release blocks, lead you to ideas, and make your life artful. Sometimes when we pray for guidance, we’re guided in...

A Month of Self Care
I'm declaring July my month of Self Care. After being labeled a professional codependent by my doctor ("No really, you actually made a...

My Report Card on Personal Accountability
"What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence." ~ Samuel Johnson I'm a hard worker by nature. I take...

(Re-blogged from August 19, 2015) I am currently in the midst of a fairly intense bout of major depression. And so, I’m going to do...

Practice and Teach
“Teach and practice, practice and teach – that is all we have; that is all we are good for; that is all we ever ought to do.” –Ernest...

Be Gentle
“The art of being yourself at your best is the art of unfolding your personality into the person you want to be. . . . be gentle with...

I Don't Need to Know How to Do Anything
“I don’t need to know how to do anything because God knows how to do everything.” I heard this phrase recently, and it had really...

Wisps of Glory
"Everyone born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. We come from the Creator with creativity. I think that each one of us is...

Clearing the Cobwebs
“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don't.” ― Joshua Becker I've been feeling stuck in my life...
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